The Arya Samaj Mandir - Surat was inaugurated on 2nd January, 1916 by the Shri Mahatma Gandhi & Shri Ramchandraji Dehli. Since then Arya Samaj Mandir - Surat, got an impetus and became a model Arya Samaj in India due to constantly increasing activities, Sports activities and relief work done during natural calamities. Arya Samaj Mandir - Surat is one of the most prestigious-social and voluntary organization in Gujarat State,India. The joining of youngsters from inauguration, started the success story of Arya Samaj Mandir - Surat. Today Arya Samaj Mandir - Surat is India's model and constantly active Arya Samaj. Today Arya Samaj Mandir - Surat is celebrating its 103rd year of inception.

-: Vedas :-

The four Vedas have been given in the beginning of the world to the earliest group of four men (Agni, Vayu, Aditya and Angira) in Sanskrit language, prior to which there was no other language. Veds are the most ancient scriptures known to mankind. All Hindus follow Vaidic principles in essence but Arya Samaj stresses on the practical interpretation of Vaidic scriptures. Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati initially introduced 28 principles in Mumbai on April 10, 1875 AD . Later on June 24, 1877 in Lahore he amended them and thus finally 10 basic principles of Arya Samaj were framed as the guiding force. These principles not only simplified the life of a common man but also gave him a comprehensive, moderate and realistic view of life.

-: Mission & Vision :-

  • The primary aim of the Arya Samaj is to do good for all, that is, promote physical, spiritual and social well-being.
  • To arrange for the spread of Vedic Philosophy and for that to provide for recitation of Vedas and other Vedic ceremonies, lectures of philosophers from various fields, prayer, Yagna, etc. for moral and spiritual advancement of general public.
  • To establish and run educational institutions for promotion of education and knowledge.
  • To help deserving candidates by granting them refundable non-refundable scholarships including supply of medicines, books stipends and other incentives to study.
  • To provide help to the needy, the destitute, the physically handicapped and poor without any distinction of caste, creed or colour and religion.
  • To do any other act for the advancement of general public utility not involving any profit, without any distinction of caste, creed or colour and religion.
  • To help the people during natural calamities by way of rescue, relief and rehabilitation work.

-: The Ten Principles of Aarya Samaj :-

  • The primary aim of the Arya Samaj is to do good for all, that is, promote physical, spiritual and social well-being.
  • God is the primary cause of all true science and of all that can be known through it.
  • God is Existent, Intelligent and Blissful. He is Formless, Almighty, Just, Merciful, Unborn, Infinite, Unchallengeable, Beginningless, Incomparable, the Support and Lord of all, Omniscient, Imperishable, Immortal, Fearless, Eternal, Holy and the Maker of the universe. To Him alone worship is due.
  • The Vedas are scriptiors of true knowledge. It is the duty of all Aryas to read them, hear them being read and recite them to others.
  • We should always be ready to accept the truth and give up untruth.
  • All action should be performed in conformity with Dharma, that is, after due consideration of the right and wrong.
  • We should treat all people with love, fairness and due regard for their merit.
  • We should aim at dispelling ignorance and promoting knowledge.
  • One should not only be content with one's own welfare, but should look for it in the welfare for others also.
  • One should regard oneself under restriction to follow altruistic rulings of the society, while all should be free in following the rules of individual welfare.

-: Years of Social Services :-

Arya Samaj Mandir - Surat is a part of the worldwide organization having more than 8000 branches all over the world and is relentlessly active in social, educational, cultural and spiritual, fields.

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